Star Gazing Farm, Inc. is incorporated in the state of Maryland and is recognized as a 501(c)3 non profit organization by the IRS. Our financial statements may be viewed online at

Our Federal tax id is: 20-0882587

We participate in the Combined Federal Campaign.  Our number is: 86412.


Anne Shroeder, President

Web developer, linguist, professional shearer
BA in Modern Languages, Yale University, MA in Arabic Linguistics, University of Michigan.
Formerly webmaster for Conservation International and the Internet Society.  Currently running full time shearing business that covers the east coast of the United States.

Jennifer Abshire-Eberly, Secretary

Senior Instructional Designer with expertise is in project management, communication, training design and development, professional writing, quality assurance testing, research and content development, training facilitation, user interface design, and Section 508 compliance. She performs needs assessments, designs course content and assessment items, and develops processes for curriculum eLearning development teams.  Ms. Abshire-Eberly has a Master of Science degree in Instructional Technology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish.

Kathe Powell, Official Photographer

Director of Probate Office, Arlington Circuit Court. Responsibilities include researching law, preparing legal documents, taking oaths, setting bonds, calculating and collecting taxes and fees, and explaining the probate process to attorneys and the general public.